Senin, 01 November 2010


I'm making a tutorial that will help you hide your files the best way.
We will be using a program that is called Truecrypt.

This program will help you to hide any files you want no one to see or not to be able to be scanned by any anti-virus program.

Step 1: Download

You can download the program directly from HERE or going on the official download site.

Step 2: Installing

1. Double click the downloaded file.
[Image: 29zx5he.jpg]

2.Do as in the images:

[Image: 345g1ok.jpg]
[Image: 345g1ok.jpg]
[Image: 2mf0hz6.jpg]
It is recommended to extract it somewhere where its hidden, for example in an USB Flash drive system folder

Step 3: Preparing the hidden Drive

1.Go to the file that is called "TrueCrypt Format"
Double click it.

2. A window should appear. Chose option 1 and click next.
[Image: 6ihfud.jpg]

3. Choose the type of the volume. We are going to create a hidden volume in this tutorial.

Explanation of the volume types:
Explanation of the volume types:
A normal truecrypt volume is going just be be normally volume, like a hard disk or a flash drive.
A hidden truecrypt volume is something like a double volume. When you mount it with the normal volume password the normal volume will be mounted, if you mount it with the hidden volume password the hidden volume will be mounted.
Why to use a hidden volume instead of a normal?
This is because maybe one time you will be forced to show the volume. But when you input or tell someone the password, the password will be the normal so the person can only access the normal (not the hidden volume).

Choose "Hidden Truecrypt Volume" under "Volume Type"and click next as in the image:
[Image: 4lle9k.jpg]
Choose "Normal Mode" under "Volume Creation mode" and click next as in the image:
[Image: 2qsys8p.jpg]

Click "Select File" and choose or make any file you want anywhere as in the image:

[Image: 30lhwrm.jpg]

Click again Next.

Then choose the encryption you want. I recommend AES-Twofish-Serpent with whirlpool algorithm.

[Image: 2hyf3nb.jpg]

Then choose the size of the volume. I will use 1GB so 1024MB's.

[Image: rck6j6.jpg]

Next choose a really strong password. It must be at least 20 characters long so it won't be so easy to brute force. If you can't find any go here.
Be sure to remember your password!!!! There is no "password recovery"!

Input the password and click next.

[Image: 243oklw.jpg]

Then move your mouse randomly and click "Format".

[Image: 124aez9.jpg]

After that click "Next".

Then click again "Next".

[Image: 2lj6tci.jpg]

Leave the encryption like it is and click again "Next".

[Image: npkj1u.jpg]

Now choose the size of the hidden volume. I suggest using the maximum unless you want to use the normal volume too. After that click "Next"

[Image: 2308yh.jpg]

If an warning appears click "Yes".

Now insert a really strong password (not the same as the other one abone^) and click "Next" If a warning appears click "Yes".

[Image: 1zcoo74.jpg]

After that mouse your mouse a bit randomly in the window and click "Format".
[Image: de2pky.jpg]

After that click "OK" an "EXIT"

[Image: 15n88lj.jpg]

Step 4: Mounting

Once finished with the abone go to the folder where you extracted the files in the first step. Double-click to open "Truecrypt".
This window should appear:

[Image: 14t525e.jpg]

After that click "Select File" as in the image below:

[Image: 2u4sokg.jpg]

Browse to your volume and click "Open"
Also select a drive letter from the list.
Then click "Mount"
[Image: 2woc76o.jpg]]

And type in your Hidden volume password.
This will activate your hidden volume. You can do the same for the normal volume.

[Image: 15fjfiw.jpg]

Click "OK" and then "Mount"

Now look what appeared:

[Image: 2zxpnpt.jpg]
[Image: 2vjvnkx.jpg]

There you can save all your files. After using the volume, when you finish your work with your files in there just click "Dismount" so the volume is automatically dismounted.

This will also keep your files hidden from anti-virus scan. Anti-viruses can't scan any of the files in there because of the encryption so its safe to hide any viruses or trojans in there.

Please take your time to reply to this thread and rate it because it took me a lot of time to make this tutorial.
5 .//allasca: HOW TO HIDE YOUR FILES [BEST] I'm making a tutorial that will help you hide your files the best way. We will be using a program that is called Truecrypt. This prog...

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